Toronto, Ontario, May 29, 2019 – Pizza Pizza Royalty Corp. today announced the results on the election of directors at its Annual General Meeting held May 28, 2019.
At the meeting there were shareholders represented in person or by proxy holding 7,549,773 common shares of the Company, representing 30.67% of the issued and outstanding shares.
Shareholders voted in favor of all items of business.
The Company’s proxy circular provided for five nominees for election to the Board of Directors. All nominees were elected by a majority vote of shareholders on a show of hands.
Details of proxies tabulated are as follows:

The Company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol PZA.
For further information:
Christine D’Sylva, Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations, Pizza Pizza Limited
(416) 967-1010 ext 393; and or